Entelechea Wellness Blog

Inspiration and guidance for personal and spiritual growth

Traditional herbal medicines and teas

What is Traditional Medicine?

Imagine you’re on a short trip to China, exploring a small town with an indigenous population.

Unexpectedly, you start experiencing a bad headache coupled with digestive issues, and there’s no proper healthcare facility available nearby. 

A Chinese native, who you’ve happened to befriend, offers to treat your issues by inserting thin needles (into specific points) on your body. You agree. 

To your surprise, not only are your headache and disturbed stomach instantly cured after the needles are inserted, but you also feel an unusual thrush of energy and a sense of exceptional relief!!!

Do you know what just happened? The native treated you with a “Traditional Medicine” type known as Acupuncture. 

Want to know more about Traditional Medicine? Keep reading!

What Is Traditional Medicine: A Quick Overview

In simple terms, traditional medicine refers to all the healing practices and remedies that ancient cultures and communities around the world have used for centuries. 

Its examples include Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Herbal Remedies, Aromatherapy, etc. All these examples have their roots in different cultures and communities. But one common thing in all these treatments is that they’re all alternative healing methods — people use these as a substitute for conventional treatments. And the results are just as effective (or in certain cases more effective) than conventional medicine!

Modern medicine pills next to traditional herbal medicine

The Principles of Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicine works on the principle of holistic wellness. It takes into account the belief that human existence is a union of three components: body, mind, and spirit, and that any disruption in any of these components is what leads to diseases.

It identifies and comprehensively addresses all the root causes behind diseases, going beyond their physical symptoms. You can call it an old-school version of modern medicine with different methods and treatment philosophies.

Traditional Naturopathy: Holistic Healing with a “Natural” Twist

Traditional naturopathy is a specific type of traditional-natural medicine that taps into the body’s innate power to heal using “natural” treatments (rather than depending on unnatural methods like complex pharmaceutical drugs or complicated surgeries).  

Therefore, a traditional naturopathic doctor treats diseases holistically using a combination of “natural” remedies and traditional healing methods. These include herbal remedies, nutritional supplements and extracts, stress management techniques, and forms of traditional medicine like Ayurveda and herbal medicine. The basic goal is to bring perfect harmony and equilibrium between the mind, body, and soul by using natural treatments.

Traditional Medicine: To Use or Not to Use

According to WHO, 80% of the world’s population uses traditional medicine. This huge chunk of the global population depends on traditional healing methods because they have their roots in long-sustaining ancient wisdom, which science has been unable to completely dispel despite effort.

Natural herbs alongside vitamins

It’s important to note that using traditional medicine doesn’t imply disregarding modern medicine. In fact, there are several common grounds between the two (many modern medicine formulations are based on compounds found in traditional medicine; Aspirin is a common example). Therefore, many people use traditional medicine in addition to modern conventional medicine – collectively known as integrative medicine – for holistic health benefits.

Natural herbs alongside vitamins

According to WHO, 80% of the world’s population uses traditional medicine. This huge chunk of the global population depends on traditional healing methods because they have their roots in long-sustaining ancient wisdom, which science has been unable to completely dispel despite effort.

It’s important to note that using traditional medicine doesn’t imply disregarding modern medicine. In fact, there are several common grounds between the two (many modern medicine formulations are based on compounds found in traditional medicine; Aspirin is a common example). Therefore, many people use traditional medicine in addition to modern conventional medicine – collectively known as integrative medicine – for holistic health benefits.


In conclusion, Traditional Medicine encompasses the ancient methods of healing passed down through different cultures and communities. It includes holistic treatments like Herbal Remedies, Homeopathy, and Aromatherapy. These are all alternative healing methods that aim to heal illnesses by restoring the equilibrium between mind, body, and soul.

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Entelechea Center is a wholeness nexus assisting people on their personal growth journey: mentally-emotionally-physically-spiritually. We provide a safe space to explore opportunities and experiences, that connect you more fully to your inner divinity.

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